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Home  /  Internal Medicine  /  Gastroenterology


Our division provides 3 main services:

  • Clinical Care: We uphold the wellness and health of our patients by providing them the best attention and medical care possible. Our clinical services include outpatients, inpatients, and emergency patients.
  • Digestive Endoscopy: We provide the possibility of urgent endoscopies along with therapeutic procedures like polypectomies, EMR, stent placement, cauterization, BICAP and plasma argon coagulation, gastroscopy, colonoscopy, ERCP, EUS, video capsule imaging, and screening programs. Throughout the conduct of all procedures the safety and well-being of our patients is our highest concern.
  • Education: We offer a motivating learning environment for interns, residents and nurses. We hold conferences and interactive educational programs to enrich our student’s medical knowledge along with providing them with personal care.

Our vision is to establish larger teams of new GI specialists and subspecialists whose specialization ranges from liver, obesity, cancer, IBD, Invasive procedures, to EUS. We are working toward updating our endoscopic equipment so it comprises manometry, impedance, and double balloon enteroscopy.